Before the session we did a light warm up so that we were ready to do the drills. For the warm up we just went for a slow jog so all our muscles were loose. We did this for about 5 Minutes before moving onto the main activity.
In the main activity we focused on one main skill, the front drop. The front drop is a low level trampolining skill that can be used in a routine. It can also be used as a combination.
The first part of the front drop is to position yourself in the middle of the trampoline. When doing the skill, you must use the basic bounce skill at first and then as you reach the peak of your bounce you should lean forward until your body is parallel to the trampoline and you should stretch your legs straight behind you and your hands should be tucked underneath your chin while your elbows should be out at around 90 degrees. You should focus yours eyes dead in front of you instead of on the trampoline so you avoid landing wrong and doing a worm like movement. Make sure that your hips land in the same place that your feet once where when you was doing the basic bouncing skill.
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